Setting up local repo on new machine + SSH keys

Pavel⇢ has tought me this:

  1. login at
  2. generate an SSH key. Paste ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "" to Terminal, replace email (github tutorial).
  3. Add the new key to ssh config (~/.ssh/config):

Host *`

AddKeysToAgent yes`

IdentityFile ~/.ssh/gardenKey`

  1. enter cat ~/.ssh/ to print insides of the .pub file (public part of the key)
  2. copy contents to and add
  1. clone repo using SSH at (code dropdown)
  2. type in cd to go to home dir
  3. type in git clone + space + copied SSH address
  4. type in: sergei@Sergeis-MacBook-Pro garden % git config --global "Sergei Kalabin"
  5. type in: sergei@Sergeis-MacBook-Pro garden % git config --global ""